Monday, December 27, 2010

Creamy Yogurt Spread

I don't know about you, but I'm starting to feel a bit weighed down from all this delicious holiday food. So, here is a healthier alternative to using cream cheese or mayonnaise in your New Years Eve Party hour d'oeuvres. And of course, its a great healthy alternative all year round.

You will need:

A family sized carton of good plain natural yogurt (approx 32 ounces)
Cheese cloth
a Sieve or Strainer
a Large bowl
a Stick longer than your bowl's diameter


Line your bowl with 4 layers of moistened cheese cloth. Make sure to cut your pieces of cheese cloth large enough that the edges hang over the rim of the bowl. Spoon your yogurt into the cheese cloth. Pull the cheese cloth together a tie it tight so it resembles a sack. Place your sack into the sieve or strainer and place the sieve or strainer in the large bowl.

You may need to lift your sack of yogurt slightly to improve drainage. If this is the case, tie your sack to a long stick and rest the stick on the edges of the strainer. Keep in mind, you will have to discard the expelled liquid periodically (every couple of hours), again to improve drainage.

For a consistency similar to sour cream allow the yogurt to drain for 3 to 5 hours.

For a consistency similar to cream cheese allow the yogurt to drain for 24 hours.

When your yogurt is drained to the desired consistency simply cut the cheese cloth open and store the spread in a sealed container. The expiry date will be the same as the package claims.

This is what your spread will look like after 24 hours of draining. Its so tangy and delicious and just as creamy as cream cheese; I know you'll just love it. It goes well with sweet and savory dishes.

I like to use this spread on sandwiches in place of mayonnaise. Or I use it on crackers and toast in place of cream cheese (goes great with jam spread on top!). Also, if you drain it to the consistency of sour cream you can use it in baking recipes in place of sour cream for a healthier alternative. Or you can even put a dollop on your baked potato! The possibilities are endless!


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